Listaklasi Æskunar/ Youth Art cluster
We are proud to offer a regular program of classes and events in a variety of artistic disciplines for anyone interested in developing their knowledge and skills. Together with our partners, Menningarfélag Húnaþing Vestra and local youth programme Húnaklubburinn, we work with established and emerging artists to offer you top-notch visual and performing arts training here in Húnaþing vestra. Our programmes are generously supported by Barnamenningarsjóður, Húnaþing vestra, Samtök sveitarfélaga á Norðurlandi vestra, and Landsbankinn.
Listsköpum með Húnaklúbburinn
Danskóli MenHúnVest
Our Summer Youth Theatre offers a 3-week intensive programme for young people aged 7 - 16. Students have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of putting on a production under professional direction and guidance. At the end of the programme the group performs a fully rehearsed play for family, friends, and the general public.
Past productions include: Little Shop of Horrors, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Alice in Wonderland, and Macbeth. What will we get up to next? |
coming soon...